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The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit Newswire
St. Louis' Nonprofits: 'Not A Pretty Picture"

July 23, 2010; Source: St. Louis Today | Sometimes the news is just unambiguous, and the word from St. Louis is about as uniform—and distressing— as they come.—Bruce Trachtenberg

The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit Newswire
Youth Mental Health Program: To be Evicted for Being State of the Art?

July 25, 2010; Source: The News Review | Winston, Oregon, wants the building that houses nonprofit services to house… other nonprofit services?—Rick Cohen

The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit Newswire
Credit unions give banks competition, but it is fair?

July 25, 2010; Source: The Annapolis Capital | Banks say that credit unions' nonprofit status gives them an unfair advantage.—Rick Cohen

The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit Newswire
Unjustified Nonprofit CEO Compensation

July 25, 2010; Source: Winston Salem Journal | CEO compensation in the nonprofit sector is a decision for well-informed boards, many of whom aren't doing their due diligence.—Rick Cohen

The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit Newswire
Online Giving Up

July 22, 2010; Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette  | Digital donors are giving more than they did last year, according to this new index.—Aaron Lester

The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit Newswire
Antiviolence Group Tied to Gang Activity Shuts Down

July 23, 2010; Source: WSMV | Federal prosecutors allege that this Nashville nonprofit was a meeting place for planning robberies and murders.—Bruce Trachtenberg

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