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The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireStudy Sheds Light on Who Gives and Why

August 24, 2010; PR Newswire | Fundraisers are likely to be poring over a new report that identifies preferred giving methods of donors by age and demographics.—Bruce Trachtenberg


The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireTax Exemption—Use It or Lose It

August 23, 2010; | A church andthe city of LaCrosse, Wisc. go to federal court over a tax-exempt parsonage.—Rick Cohen


The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireNonprofit Joins Rosetta Stone to Produce Navajo Language Software

August 25, 2010; Daily Times| The collaboration, part of Rosetta Stone’s Endangered Language Program, aims to help revitalize native dialects.—Ruth McCambridge


The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireUSAID and NGO Transparency—Default, Secrecy

August 24, 2010; Aid Watch| A guest blogger described his “painful 14-month struggle” to get USAID to publish project budgets of NGOs it had funded to work in the Republic of Georgia.—Rick Cohen


The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireCharges of Co-mingling at California University System

August 25, 2010; Los Angeles Times | Amid the controversy last June about how much Cal State Stanislaus promised Sarah Palin to deliver a fundraising talk at the university was the fact that the private foundation writing the check did not have to publicly disclose the amount she was paid.—Bruce Trachtenberg


The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireBeck and Palin Channel MLK

August 24, 2010; Think Progress| Despite its claims of being a non-political event is a fundraiser for an organization called the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, "Restoring Homor" feels and looks political.—Rick Cohen






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