
Cicley Gay

Cicley Gay brings 20 years of nonprofit and philanthropic experience to her role as board chairwoman of the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation and founder of The Amplifiers, a social enterprise standing at the intersection of cause and communications. She also currently serves on the board of directors of Nation United. She was the founding director of STAND, educating students on the impact of federal budget priorities on Black communities, and spent nearly a decade at the Women’s Sports Foundation, as the founding director of GoGirlGo!, and later as the national director of education and alliances. Gay was also the national program director of the National CARES Mentoring Movement, where she built the grant allocations process and programmatic infrastructure of a multimillion-dollar national mentoring initiative for Black children, supported by the US Department of Justice. Gay studied political science and communications at the University of Kansas. She received the President’s Volunteer Service Award from the Obama Administration in 2013, and is a former recipient of the Catalyst Award from the Global Center for Social Change through Women’s Leadership.