Economic Justice Glossary

Economic Justice Glossary Image: Neon sign that reads "All we have is words, All we have is worlds."

To imagine and create a world rooted in values of economic justice and economic democracy, we need to devise a new vocabulary. We must be able to describe what we want if we are to have any hope of making the structural changes we desire. 

But new language can create new barriers. To address this, we offer short descriptions of key words in the economic justice field, alongside links to a few related articles that provide examples of each concept in practice.  

Can anyone truly define complicated concepts like the commons or bargaining for the common good in 200 words or less? Maybe not, but these brief glossary entries offer useful entry points for further exploration. 

If you feel that we should add something to the NPQ Economic Justice glossary, let us know. We cannot create an entry for every possible item, but please send us your suggestions.