As 2023 comes to a close, the economic justice editors Steve Dubb and Rithika Ramamurthy highlight 15 of the best articles from the year—including articles from this year’s magazine issue, Movement Economies, which investigated the question of how movement organizations might more effectively advance economic justice and systemic change. We also published articles on a host of issues—ranging from narrative power to advancing housing justice and childcare, deepening community organizing, to changing the tax system.  

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1. Scaling Deep, Not Up: Lessons from Detroit

2. Building Narrative Power for Economic Justice by Telling Better Stories

3. Looking for Tax Money in All the Wrong Places: Structural Racism at the IRS

4. Of Myths and Markets: Moving Beyond the Capitalist God That Failed Us

5. Social Housing: How a New Generation of Activists Are Reinventing Housing

6. What Would An Economy That Loved Black People Look Like? 

7. Movement Economies: Building an Economics Rooted in Movement

8. What Does It Mean to Dismantle Racial Capitalism Anyway?

9. The Great Awakening, and Workers’ Fight to Stay Woke

10. Barbie and the Problem of Corporate Power

11. Child Care Is a National Emergency

12. Capitalism, the Insecurity Machine: A Conversation with Astra Taylor

13. One Thing Philanthropy Must Leave Behind—The Values of Extractive Capitalism

14. How to Fight Power by Building Power

15. Remaking the Economy: Black Food Sovereignty, Community Stories