nonprofit executive compensation

March 14, 2013; Source:Washington Business Journal

Based on data from its 2012 nonprofit compensation report, GuideStar’s infographic on executive compensation sheds light on pay differences by region and by gender. According to data released in GuideStar’s annual nonprofit compensation report, nonprofit executives in the Washington, D.C. area earned a median salary of $151,872 in 2010. That makes the area in and around the nation’s capital the highest paying metro area for nonprofit CEOs. The Washington Business Journal notes that the runner up is New York City, where the median nonprofit CEO pay is $137,387. GuideStar recently compiled some of the report’s other key findings in this compelling infographic:


As you can see, GuideStar reports that, although the ranks of female CEOs are increasing, the gender wage gap persists, and is worse at larger nonprofits. For more, the full report is available here. GuideStar notes that this annual report “remains the only large-scale nonprofit compensation analysis based entirely on IRS data.” NPQ has previously covered the report’s findings, but sometimes an infographic like this has a way of really calling attention to some of the most significant takeaways.

In addition to the GuideStar data, nonprofits looking into this topic should consider delving into the wealth of articles available from the Nonprofit Quarterly on this subject, including, “What Drives Executive Compensation?” by Peter Frumkin and Elizabeth K. Keating and “You’re Paying What? How to Set Executive Compensation” by Linda M. Lampkin. –Mike Keefe-Feldman