Did you know that there is a whole “infrastructure” set up to support nonprofits in this country? Do you know what it does and how it works?

It is important that you do because these organizations perform a number of functions that could affect things in your own organization — laws, regulations, your access to information, the quality of the information and consulting help you are able to get, and other people’s (including funders) access to information about your organization among many other things.

Because no one as yet had published a detailed description and map of this infrastructure, we took it upon ourseves to develop a special edition of the magazine that describes it. Our primary intention was to alert foundations to its existence and its need for funding so we distributed more than 20,000 to funders — but then we heard from others that it would be a useful guide for all our readers.

So as a free bonus to our regular readers — a downloadable version is available to you online in PDF form at http://www.dev-npq-site.pantheonsite.io/section/496.html. Don’t miss it — many say it is one of our better issues.