
September 9, 2013; WFMY-News 2


NPQ likes media that is memorable, and so we like this simple reminder of one nonprofit’s contribution to its tax base and civic life. Habitat for Humanity of Greater Greensboro presented a check for $338,665 to the local taxman in payment of property taxes for all the houses purchased with its help. The money comes from the escrow accounts on those 300 homes. The check was in payment only for taxes on the houses whose mortgages with the nonprofit builder had not been paid off. Those who have paid down their mortgages pay their own taxes.

“Over the past five years, Habitat Greensboro has paid over $1.5 million to the city in property taxes. This payment is just one example of how our partnership with the City of Greensboro is an investment in the future of our community,” said Maria Hanlin, President and Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity of Greater Greensboro.

Other numbers of importance, once the presentation got public attention:

  • $60,000: Average cost in materials to build a house. (Does not include the cost of land.)
  • 45,753: The number of hours that the 4,112 individuals volunteered with Habitat Greensboro last year.
  • $21,000 to $40,000: Typical family income range for Habitat Greensboro homeowners.
  • $550: Average mortgage, including property taxes, insurance, and principal.
  • 400+: The number of new homes Habitat has built in Greensboro during the past 25 years.
  • 300: Number of hours that homeowners are required to work with Habitat, known as “sweat equity,” in order to purchase a home.

—Ruth McCambridge