Kad Smith

When you have mentors, which, that’s not a thing that the nonprofit sector and the organizations I partner with, work with, work for, they don’t seem to have that practice really developed, especially when we’re talking about BIPOC leadership. But when you have access to mentors who can give you the game, who can tell you what it’s been like, and can also show that they can adapt and care for you, that is an invaluable resource for new leaders, and also for leaders who are thinking, what is the way that I give more instead of take? I think when we see folks modeling what it looks like to adapt as a leader, and that can take shape in many different ways and forms, paired with creating and prioritizing the space to connect and really be able to share what is it that makes us want to be a part of this organization? Why do we want to be committed to being compassionate about why we are part of this community or part of this organization? I think that goes a long way.