Carla Yengo-Kahn

Carla Yengo-Kahn is a 28 year old resident of Philadelphia. She majored in Creative Writing and Comparative...

Sushil Jacob

Sushil Jacob is Senior Economic Justice Attorney at the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the San...

Sylvia Chi

Sylvia Chi is policy director at the Asian Pacific Environmental Network.

Liz Moore

Liz Moore is executive director of the Montana Nonprofit Association.

Yee Won Chong

Yee Won Chong is a process design consultant focusing on advancing social, economic, and environmental justice. Yee...

Shamar Bibbins

Shamar Bibbins serves as a senior program officer for Environment at The Kresge Foundation, where her grantmaking...

Dr. Nicholas Harvey

Nicholas Harvey is the principal and CEO of Nick Harvey Consulting, a management consulting practice devoted to...

Rob Brown

Rob Brown directs Cooperative Development Institute’s Business Ownership Solutions program, which facilitates business conversions to worker ownership.

Davis Taylor

Davis Taylor, PhD, is Professor of Economics and the Cody Van Heerden Chair in Economics and Quantitative...

Erin Rubin

Erin Rubin was an assistant editor at the Nonprofit Quarterly, where she was in charge of online...

John Emmeus Davis

John Emmeus Davis is a founder of Burlington Associates, co-director of the Center for Community Land Trust...

Byron Johnson

Byron Johnson, CFRE, is a senior project director at CompassPoint Nonprofit Services.