Kate Barr

Kate Barr is the President & CEO of Propel Nonprofits, a certified Community Development Financial Institution in...

Tamieka Mosley

Tamieka Mosley is the director of Grantmakers for Southern Progress.

Andrew Fisher

Andrew Fisher has worked in the anti-hunger field for 25 years, as the executive director of national...

Laura Deaton

Laura Deaton is executive director of Multiplier, a nonprofit organization that accelerates impact for initiatives that protect...

Propel Nonprofits

Propel Nonprofits was created from the 2017 merger of Nonprofits Assistance Fund and MAP for Nonprofits. The...

Simon Mont

Simon is a consultant, facilitator, and coach in service of holistic organizations and leadership. He lives in...

Peggy Holman

Peggy Holman is based in the Seattle area, a cofounder of Journalism That Matters, a nonprofit that...

Neil Seldman

Neil Seldman, Ph.D., co-founded the Institute for Local Self-Reliance and is Director of the Waste to Wealth...

John Tropman

John Tropman is the director of leadership in the Community Benefit Organizations Program and Henry J. Meyer...

James A. Blackburn

James A. Blackburn is a research scientist and adjunct professor, University of Michigan School of Social Work.

Tyonka Rimawi

Tyonka Rimawi is Program Officer, Community Partnerships, for the Robins Foundation.