Lindsay J. K. Nichols

Lindsay J.K. Nichols is America’s Charities’ vice president of marketing and communications.

Gabe Cohen

Gabe Cohen is GuideStar’s media and outreach manager.

Jim Bolone

Jim Bolone is vice president of organization development and learning at Magis Fundraising Specialists, and a volunteer...

Steve Boland

Steve Boland is the managing partner of Next in Nonprofits, a consulting and writing firm in Saint...

Judith Lindenberger

Judy’s background includes designing and facilitating the first-ever sexual harassment prevention training for federal workers, conducting a...

Mario Morino

Mario Morino is Founding Chairman of Venture Philanthropy Partners and chairman of the Morino Institute.

Judah I. Kupfer

Judah I. Kupfer, Esq. is a staff counsel at Agudath Israel of America. He received his B.A....