Max L. Kleinman

Max Kleinman is a senior consultant with Jewish Federations of North America. For the past 19.5 years,...

Gerry Zack

Gerry Zack serves as a managing director in BDO Consulting’s Global Forensics practice, with more than 30...

Laurie De Armond

Laurie De Armond is a partner with BDO’s Nonprofit & Education practice and has more than 20 years...

Rhonda Gerke

Rhonda Gerke is with the Midwest Center for Nonprofit Leadership, Kansas City, Missouri.

Laurel O’Sullivan

Laurel O’Sullivan, J.D. is the principal and founder of the Advocacy Collaborative, LLC. Laurel serves on the...

Karen Gaskins Jones

Karen Gaskins Jones, JLH Associates, is a veteran consultant/trainer and an integral member of a national coalition...

Beth Gazley

Beth Gazley is associate professor, School of Public & Environmental Affairs, and affiliate faculty member, Lilly Family...

Alan Aja

Alan Aja is in the Department of Puerto Rican and Latino Studies at Brooklyn College.

Darrick Hamilton

Darrick Hamilton is in the Milano School of International Affairs, Management, and Urban Policy, and the Schwartz...