I am so impressed by three different pieces now up on our website that I wanted to make sure you all did not miss them. Each is trending on Twitter and elsewhere, and each is enormously thought provoking and relevant to the work of most people in nonprofits and social activism:

Don’t miss these, and don’t miss sharing them with your colleagues. And please donate towards NPQ to bring you more of the same.

As editor in chief here at our scantily funded (but rich in spirit and friends) publication, I am personally proud that these 2 articles and 1 diagram are not only world class and on the cutting edge of current thinking but free.

The “free” part is important in light of some of the information we have been tracking lately about the state of nonprofit budgets in – for instance – human service organizations. In one of the stories that the Nonprofit Finance Fund shared with all of us, one woman talked about taking a second mortgage on her own house. Another said she was now buying all the organization’s office supplies out of pocket. They probably cannot pay for content but we believe that organizations with the least may very well need some of our material the most. But we can’t do it alone.

We hope that the fact that we published these diverse state-of-the-practice articles all in the same week will make you think, “Wow! That NPQ is my dream magazine”—and then you should look right away for our handy dandy little donate button because…

We cannot exist without your cash support—really and thousands of others benefit from your gift.