The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireFeed the Children: Donations Increase Even as Organization’s Problems Exposed

April 23, 2010; The Oklahoman | Donations were up at Feed the Children despite a series of high profile questions of accountability that earned them the label of “Most Outrageous Charity” of the year in 2009.—Ruth McCambridge

The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireRecession? What Recession?

April 24, 2010; Telegram & Gazette | One newspaper’s take on nonprofit CEO pay leaves this author saying “no comment.”—Bruce Trachtenberg

The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit Newswire

Solving Problems Through Service: CAP Event Looks at State of Volunteering

April 23, 2010; Center for American Progress | There is much to be said for volunteerism, but some of this report on the discussion feels a bit overblown.—Rick Cohen

The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireNo Hurt, No Blues, No Service: Taxing Nonprofits in Oak Bluffs

April 23, 2010; Vineyard Online Gazette | It’s not just big city governments backing the PILOT programs. Be on the watch locally.—Rick Cohen

The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireScottish Charities Call for Reform of Public Services

April 22, 2010; Third Sector Online | Leadership in the U.S. would be well served by taking a look at Scottish nonprofit/government relations.—Rick Cohen

The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireGiving It All Away in China

April 22, 2010; Agence France-Presse | Chinese tycoon Yu Pengian announced late last week that he’s donating the rest of his fortune to a Hong Kong foundation that bears his name.—Bruce Trachtenberg

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