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Nonprofit Restaurants—New Growth Industry?
June 29, 2010; Bend Bulletin | A new Bend, Oregon eatery will cater both to full paying customers and low-income and homeless community residents who receive vouchers that let them dine for free.—Bruce Trachtenberg
Iowa Senators Question Big Ten’s Charitable Status
June 25, 2010; Daily Iowan | Just how nonprofit are these nonprofit football conferences? Whose charitable interests are served?—Rick Cohen
NY AG Nixes Sham Charity
June 25, 2010; New York Daily News | Which of Dante’s circles of hell should be reserved for the charlatans who steal charitable donations meant for the homeless? The fourth for avarice, the eighth for fraud, the ninth for betrayal, or all nine?—Rick Cohen
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Deal With Nonprofit Spares Sacramento Nature Preserve From Budget Ax—At Least For Now
June 29, 2010; Sacramento Bee | Unless the American River Natural History Association can come up with another $300,000 on top of what it already has raised, this move may just be delaying the inevitable.—Bruce Trachtenberg
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