UPDATE: SUBMISSIONS ARE NO LONGER BEING ACCEPTED. The articles that were chosen for the EDI Project are currently being edited by the editorial committee and the advisory committee. We anticipate the articles will begin to be published at the end of January 2016 and will continue to be published through the summer. The print edition of the reader will be published sometime in the the spring. For more inquiries about the EDI Project, please contact shafaq@npqmag.org.
Over the past few years, it has become clear that many young leaders think, analyze, strategize, and act differently than older leaders around issues of equity, diversity and inclusion. Those differences need to be surfaced and understood in personal, organizational and political ways. In fact, our lived experiences are the result not just of our race, gender, sexual orientation, immigration status, class, age or work status, but the result of the dynamic and sometimes conflicting experiences of the intersection of these identities in our lives and work.
Recognizing that this moment in time is marked by an increased attention to those dynamics and an increased openness to understanding them newly, the Young Nonprofit Professionals Network and the Nonprofit Quarterly are collaborating on a series of articles that explore issues of equity, diversity and inclusion from the perspectives of younger leaders in communities and organizations. Writers must be under 40 years of age.
We invite you to participate!
We hope to create a vibrant, grounded and bold series of articles that helps nonprofit, community and civil society leaders — of all generations — to reflect on their own practices.
What we are looking for:
All essays will address how issues of diversity, equity and inclusiveness are experienced, negotiated, challenged or transformed in your work.
We encourage writers to mix combinations of approaches, such as personal observation, reflection and research. To ensure that writers with varying degrees of experience apply, we will be offering to every applicant a strong and supportive editorial environment.
The series will include a collection of 10-12 articles. Each will first be published as a feature online at NPQ, and later will be included in a print reader.
The process will be selective to ensure that we cover in the most resonant way possible the range of issues on diversity and inclusion that young leaders grapple with, and from a wide array of world-views and orientations.
We encourage you to be creative and reflective in your submissions. Some examples of issues to get you thinking:
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- Reflections on systemic inequities internal to our work environments and how to address them – for instance: How do you recognize markers of equity, diversity and inclusion (and their lack) in your workplace or the communities you serve? What organizational approaches to equity, diversity and/or inclusiveness do you know — what works and what doesn’t? What are social movement approaches to diversity and/or inclusiveness — again, what works and what doesn’t?
- Reflections on what can get done and how in the social dynamics of this moment – for instance: What are your experiences of helping communities grapple with recent social justice issues (like police brutality, community uprisings across the country such as Ferguson and Baltimore, reactions to the recent same-sex marriage Supreme Court rulings, etc.)?
- Reflections on personal experience – for instance: Personal accounts of the experiences of living and leading in the midst of the change you are making.
The Process and Timeline:
- Contributors will submit an outline or a short summary by September 18th (The deadline has been extended from September 11th).
- The editorial committee will make choices and provide feedback by September 25th.
- Your first draft is due by November 9th. If your submission is chosen, an advisory group will assist in the reading of this draft and editing of your final article.
Guidelines for the Outline/Summary and Articles:
The outline or summary should be no more than 300-500 words and it should include:
- The themes on diversity and inclusion you want the submission to explore
- The approach you will take to the topic
Finished articles should be no longer than 2000 words.
Examples of NPQ’s Previous Coverage of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Issues:
- Back to the Future
- Seeking What Makes Us Valid as People and as Organizations
- The Nonprofit Sector Has a Ferguson Problem
These are simply meant to give you a sense of the variety of styles we would welcome in the series. Feel free to diverge — we will be looking for fresh impact and resonance.
Editorial Committee:
Advisory Committee (partial listing below):
- Bailey Brackin
- Katie Pieper
- Iris Garcia
- Kira Luna
- Hafizah Omar
- Renee Bracey Sherman
- Mark Turner
- September 18: Submissions are due
- September 25: Response to submission
- November 9: Final draft of article is due