This week, we are inspired by the leaders of two organizations—Recess and The Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth (CFSY)—who share perspectives on how co-directorship can be a canvas upon which to reimagine how we work together as people striving towards equity and justice. In covering shared leadership for many years now at NPQ, we know that there is no one model or “right way” to change the way we use and distribute power in an organization. That said, we know that the hunger to do so has never been greater and that sharing leaders’ stories and insights as they experiment is immensely valuable for all of us.

Featured Video

In this brief and powerful clip, artist and Recess co-director Shaun Leonardo calls us to remember, especially when we get scared of the messiness and the unknown of sharing power, that top-down, white dominant leadership never did serve everyone. Watch here


Five Insights from Directors Sharing Power

Based on interviews with multiple sets of co-directors, this article underscores the deeply relational quality of co-directorship and lifts up places of challenge and continuous learning among the leaders. Read more


Thoughts on Co-Leadership

We have featured the co-directors at national arts intermediary Fractured Atlas at NPQ several times because they are experimental and very forthcoming in sharing insights along the way. Check out their four-part blog series (1, 2, 3, and 4) on co-directorship. Start here

Weekly Resource

Watch in full last week’s NPQ webinar on co-directorship with Shaun Leonardo and Allison Freedman Weisberg of Recess, Xavier McElrath-Bey and Jody Kent Lavy of CFSY, and Helena Huang of Art 4 Justice, who invests in both organizations.