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The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireFunds Miraculously Stretched for Oil Spill Victims

August 4, 2010; WDSU | According to television station WDSU, Catholic Charities, which received $1.1 million from BP to provide financial assistance over 30 days to victims of the Gulf oil spill, somehow made the money last three months.—Bruce Trachtenberg


The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireHere's Where BP is Dumping Its Oil Spill Waste

August 4, 2010; ColorLines | The BP strategy is to dump the waste product from the oil clean up in municipal landfills that just happen to be in predominantly minority communities.—Rick Cohen


The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireJewish Donors to Catholic Schools Tell Why They Give

August 4, 2010; Boston Globe | Jewish donors give because they see their support for Catholic schools as an expression of Jewish values.—Ruth McCambridge


The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit Newswire$650 Million in 'i3' Grants Given by Education Department

August 5, 2010; New York Times | Teach for America and the Knowledge Is Power Program are the big winners in a federal grant competition known as Investing in Innovation.—Rick Cohen


The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireGlitch Reveals Winning Applicants of i3 Grants

August 4, 2010; Education Week | Irony of ironies, it takes a computer glitch to achieve transparency for one of the new programs eagerly sought by the nonprofit sector.—Rick Cohen


The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit Newswire$5 Million for a Charity Performance?

August 3, 2010; The Telegraph | Maybe it's time to start a new entry in the Guinness Book of Records for the all-time highest paid performance for a charity event.—Bruce Trachtenberg



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