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Howard Zinn Dead at 87
January 27, 2010; Boston Globe | Our social networks exploded yesterday with the news that Howard Zinn, great activist and historian, died today while traveling in California.

Nonprofits Take Lead to Keep Money out of Politics
January 27, 2010
; OMB Watch | A coalition of nonprofit organizations that engage in public policy advocacy, including OMB Watch, is seeking to ease restrictions on nonprofit lobbyists in the wake of Citizens United. 

Another No-bid Contract for Nonprofit
January 27, 2010; San Diego Union Tribune | The continuing pattern of decisions by county supervisors in San Diego to give no-bid contracts to The Children’s Initiative, the latest of the fifth such contract, is troubling.

Fresno School Plans Nonprofit, Circumvents Union
January 26, 2010; Fresno Bee | According to the Bee, the plan of the Fresno Unified School District to establish its own nonprofit to then open a charter school is a new phenomenon in the state.


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