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The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit Newswire
Mel Gibson Rants, Raves, and Gives

July 14; Boston Herald | Should your nonprofit accept a charitable contribution from someone charged with racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, and domestic abuse? It's complicated.—Rick Cohen


The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireFoundation Awards $10 Million to Help Holocaust Survivors

July 14; Baltimore Sun | The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation estimate that their support will help at least 10,000 individuals in need living throughout North America.—Bruce Trachtenberg


The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireAnother Study Proves Nonprofits Doing More With Less

July 14; Ascribe Newswire | Nonprofits are taking different steps to deal with the double whammy of less revenue and increased demands for services.—Bruce Trachtenberg


The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireNew York Groups Give Up Hope for Any More Bloomberg Money

July 15; Wall Street Journal | Orgnizations are laying off employees, reducing pay and, in at least one case, selling items from its collection to raise revenue.—Bruce Trachtenberg


The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireFunding Heroes, or Their Creators

July 15; Comic Book Resources | There’s a nonprofit for almost anything and everyone. How about an organization that “creates a financial safety net for comic creators in need?”—Rick Cohen


The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireAnimal Shelter Faces Deadline to Avoid State Action

July 14; The Pilot | To meet state regulations, North Carolina’s largest no-kill animal shelter, The Haven—Friends for Life, has to fully remodel its facility by September 1, since it missed a deadline of July 9 where it could have complied with state regulations by simply reducing the number of dogs.—Rick Cohen




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