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The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireCutbacks Lead to Loss of Jobs for Youth

June 10, 2010; Herald Tribune | When the budget ax falls, no one is safe.—Bruce Trachtenberg


The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireValuing What Endures: An Artists’ Coop

June 10, 2010; Voice of America | While the world can always use innovation, when our valuing of what is new is out of balance with preservation, stewardship and endurance, we begin to lose our bearings.—Ruth McCambridge


The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireCalifornia Councilman Says Cities Should Not Fund Nonprofits

June 10, 2010; Daily Journal | A tug-of-war over minuscule amounts of funding is creating tensions between government and nonprofits that are natural allies in responding to human need.—Rick Cohen


The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireCity-Funded Nonprofit That Runs Blog Sued for Defamation

June 10, 2010; SF Weekly | A landlord takes Tenderloin Housing Clinic to court because its blog alleged she violated the terms of a city loan.—Rick Cohen


The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireThe Most Diverse Zip Code in the U.S . . . and Its Nonprofits

June 10, 2010; Northwest Asian Weekly | How area nonprofits help create a full slice of America in a relatively small community.—Ruth McCambridge



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