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The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit Newswire
Nonprofit Suing State Over Right to Robocall

June 12, 2010; Indianapolis Star | An Illinois group called Patriotic Veterans, Inc. is challenging Indiana's law banning robocalls, suggesting that the more lenient federal law exempting nonprofits supersedes Indiana’s.—Rick Cohen


The Nonprofit 
Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireMany Foundations Keep Grantees in the Dark Says CEP Study

June 14, 2010; CEP | The Center for Effective Philanthropy's study asserts that many foundations have done a poor job of communicating their plans during the downturn to their grantees.—Ruth McCambridge


The Nonprofit 
Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireA New Normal for Nonprofits

June 13, 2010; Star Tribune | The great recession has "rocked" Minnesota's social sector and leaders believe it will never be the same again.—Rick Cohen


The Nonprofit 
Quarterly Nonprofit NewswirePhone Giveaways—Charity or Marketing Ploy?

June 14, 2010; Philadelphia Inquirer | Is giving cell phones away to the poor an act of charity or a disguised marketing effort to sell more mobile devices?—Bruce Trachtenberg


The Nonprofit 
Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireIn Michigan, Record Jump in Nonprofit Jobs, Wages

June 13, 2010; | Nonprofit employment in the Great Lakes State grew between 2006 and 2009, up some 11,500 jobs.—Bruce Trachtenberg


The Nonprofit 
Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireClemens’s Foundation Under Scrutiny

June 13, 2010; New York Times | The story of Roger Clemens’ sad demise due to charges of steroid use has now found its way into philanthropy.—Rick Cohen




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