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The Nonprofit Quarterly  Nonprofit NewswireCEO Compensation at Boys & Girls Clubs

March 12, 2009; Washington Post | Four GOP senators have declared that without more information about how the Boys & Girls Clubs can account for paying CEO Roxane Spillett about $988,000 in 2008, they intend to halt a bill that would provide $425 million in federal funds to the youth-serving organization.—Bruce Trachtenberg

The Nonprofit Quarterly  Nonprofit NewswirePolitics, Earmarks and Nonprofits

March 13, 2010; CQ Politics | The political grandstanding in the House last week around earmarks made about as much sense as a lot of the rest of the political discourse in Washington lately.—Ruth McCambridge

The Nonprofit Quarterly   Nonprofit NewswireCatholic Charities Gags Employee Opposition to Gay Marriage Law

March 13, 2010; Washington Post | Catholic Charities has now added a new provision to its personnel policies. It essentially tells all new employees—and existing employees as well in a way—that if they speak or act against the Catholic Church’s opposition to gay marriage, they risk being penalized or fired.—Rick Cohen

The Nonprofit Quarterly   Nonprofit NewswireProtection of Indigent Defense by Obama Administration

February 26, 2010; Washington Post | Legal scholar Laurence Tribe will lead an initiative under Attorney General Eric Holder that is charged with improving legal access for the poor.—Ruth McCambridge

The Nonprofit Quarterly   Nonprofit NewswirePhilanthropic Gusher in Alaska Expected

March 14, 2010; | If a $130,000 investment yields upwards of $500,000, is that a decent return for charity?—Bruce Trachtenberg

The Nonprofit Quarterly    Nonprofit NewswireGiving Up Half To Feel Complete

March 15, 2010; The New Yorker |It’s one thing to give away your wealth after you die, but quite another while still living and you have a family to support. —Bruce Trachtenberg

The Nonprofit Quarterly    Nonprofit NewswireKanter on Nonprofits, and Social Media

March 12, 2010; The SmartBlog |While most nonprofits think of social media primarily for raising awareness and money, in an interview with the SmartBlog on Social Media, Beth Kanter says these tools can serve other purposes.—Bruce Trachtenberg


The Nonprofit Quarterly    Nonprofit NewswireBring on the Robin Hood Tax

March 13, 2010; The Guardian | Around the world, particularly in the U.K., there is active public discussion of a “Robin Hood tax” on the financial transactions of banks.—Rick Cohen



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