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Congressman’s earmarks go to wife’s organization
Nov 10, 2009; Boston Globe | The Boston Globe reported today about how U.S. Representative Stephen Lynch arranged for federal funding for a community health center, where his wife was employed as well as a substance abuse program, where she was on the board. Lynch gave virtually nothing to other health centers in his district. Is this fair? And will there be fall out from this story that negatively effects the communities these agencies strive to serve?—Kristin Barrali
Charities stretched thin: Clark County nonprofit groups scrambling, successfully so far, to keep up with increasing need
Nov 7, 2009; The Columbian | Despite the news that the recovery is officially in full swing, evidenced by a billion dollar profit at Ford (financed by taxpayer-financed clunkers) and record profits at Goldman Sachs, the nation’s unemployed workforce (10.2 percent of the total) knows the real score—and so do most nonprofits. Up in the Vancouver area of the state of Washington, food shelters are tapped out and homeless providers writing double the funding applications they used to. As one service provider noted, “deep-pocketed foundations are tighter-fisted than ever [and] wary of giving to charities that may not survive hard times.” The charities are working together, coordinating services, making sure people don’t fall through the knitting of the social safety net, but that doesn’t mean that times are tough for front-line charities and the demand they face, despite the purported recovery, hasn’t abated.—Rick Cohen
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