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Group Asks Baucus to Investigate Political Activity of Nonprofits
October 6, 2010; Washington Independent | Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) wrote a letter to the IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman asking for a thorough investigation into the use of tax-exempt groups for political activity.—Aaron Lester
Game Changer? Gates Foundation Funds ABC News
October 6, 2010; New York Times | The Times reports that the Gates Foundation has awarded a $1.5 million grant to ABC News to travel the world, reporting on various health crises and suggesting solutions.—Ruth McCambridge
Foundation Head Might Not Have Used His Head
October 6, 2010; Albuquerque Journal | The executive director of the Albuquerque Community Foundation claims his appearance in a TV commercial for New Mexico gubernatorial hopeful Diane Denish didn't violate federal laws that prohibit foundations from engaging in political activities.—Bruce Trachtenberg
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Bank of America Issues Grants for Microloans
October 6, 2010; Wall Street Journal | With the announcement of 40 grants to nonprofit community lenders, Bank of America continues to set the pace on supporting community development financial institutions.—Rick Cohen
Nonprofit Clinic for the Poor Opens in Affluent Suburb
October 6, 2010; Dall Morning News | The suburbanization of poverty, particularly in inner ring suburbs, doesn't mean that the poor don't need help.—Rick Cohen
Nonprofits Would Like City To Curb Plans for New Fee
October 6, 2010; Times | A proposal would require all building owners, including tax-exempt organizations, to pay a "curb" fee based on how much of their property fronts the city's streets.—Bruce Trachtenberg
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