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Five Years Later: Preparedness Lessons from Katrina
August 30, 2010; The News Star | Four larger nonprofits share what they learned from their experiences.—Rick Cohen
Five Years Later: Storm’s Death Toll Still a Mystery
August 29, 2010; Houston Chronicle | The New Orleans Katrina Memorial Corporation is responsible for building a Katrina monument, in which the bodies of 31 unnamed dead and 54 unclaimed bodies have been placed in granite-faced mausoleums.—Rick Cohen
Court Rules Against Campaign Group Trying to Skirt Illinois Disclosure Laws
August 31, 2010; Chicago Tribune | A federal judge in Chicago has ruled that The Center for Individual Freedom had to comply with Illinois' laws requiring public disclosure on expenditures for political campaigns.—Bruce Trachtenberg
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It's 2 p.m., Why Are Some Students in Oakland Still in School?
August 31, 2010; San Francisco Chronicle | Under an experiment that's getting help from Citizen Schools, a national nonprofit, officials are hoping an extended school day will lead to improved test scores in two schools that are among the worst performers in the state.—Bruce Trachtenberg
Are L3Cs Essential to the Future of Social Enterprise?
August 25, 2010; Social Enterprise | A social enterprise blogger has issued a three-part defense and promotion of low-profit limited-liability corporations.—Rick Cohen
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