{source}[[span style=”float: right; border-left: 1px solid gray; border-bottom: 1px solid gray; margin: 0pt 0pt 5px 5px; padding: 0pt 0pt 0pt 5px;width:250px;”]][[h3]]Related Articles[[/h3]][[br /]]{loadposition related}[[/span]]{/source}
July 29, 2010; Source: Nieman Journalism Lab | NPQ covered the story about WikiLeaks and release of the Afghan War Diary the day before yesterday, pointing out that, as a nonprofit, it exemplifies social innovation. Now this story from the Neiman Journalism Lab challenges WikiLeaks—established to improve transparency in others—on its own transparency. We recommend reading the comments as well as the article—its like a good novel.
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For instance from one comment: “While I don’t disagree with the substance of what you’re writing here, I think you’re applying your lens of “non-profit journalism” to an organization that has grown up in a fairly different socio-political petri dish from the ones we’re used to talking about in this space . . . [WikiLeaks is] basically a radical anarchist hacker outfit with strong connections to European political and social movements that, for a lot of reasons, fall far outside the mainstream of acceptable political discourse in this country. What sounds to you like “James Bond” discourse is perfectly normal discourse in a lot of these worlds.”—Ruth McCambridge