NPQ’s Week in Review
Good Morning! At NPQ, the news moves us—and what moves us is what moves you. Our latest Week in Review highlights what our readers bring to us in the form of tweets, comments, contributed articles, and newswires.
But first take look at what you might have missed last week as some of the major news stories covered in NPQ.
- CHARITABLE DEDUCTION: As President Obama contemplates a change in itemized deductions that might affect the charitable deduction, a debate has opened up throughout the nonprofit sector about what the charitable deduction is worth and whether nonprofits and society might be better off with a reduced deduction—or no deduction whatsoever.
- ELECTIONS: It’s that time of the four-year cycle when presidential candidates tromp through Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina trolling for votes, helped by the emerging array of nonprofit political campaign vehicles, some of which may be edging a bit too close to the boundaries of what is legal for 501(c)(3) charities and churches.
- IT’S STILL THE ECONOMY, STUPID: Supposedly the economy is on an upswing, but tell that to nonprofits like the August Wilson Center for African American Culture in Pittsburgh which was created during the height of the recession, battered by an economy that never fully recovered, and now faces an uncertain future exacerbated by much more uncertain revenues.
And much, much more.
Readers Pick. Hottest hitting article OF THE WEEK.
Voices from the Field: Nonprofit Workplace Culture – Why it Matters so Much to Us
On Monday NPQ received a draft article from Jinna Halperin about the sometimes painful gap between the mission intentions and the workplace cultures of nonprofits with which she has been involved. We edited “Workplace Culture: Why it Matters so Much to Us” on Tuesday and it ran on Wednesday as part of our “Voices from the Field” series, and by Thursday it was far and away the most read article of the week, attracting readers, to judge from the comments, on a global basis. This article resonated because Jinna put words to our all too common experiences. But in doing so she raises the dissonance for us each to consider and address. We thank her for her honesty.
Conversations OF THE WEEK.

Coke Funding for Anti-Obesity Charity a Tainting Embarrassment
It is always a topic that needs and attracts discussion: When is a donor so tainted for one reason or another that we should not accept their money? NPQ ran a Newswire early this week that recounted the story of an anti-obesity organization in the UK that was being funded by Coca Cola. The worst element of the story was that the organization in question had expressed horror at the funding of similar government initiatives by similar corporations – another situation in which the dissonance between words and actions incited dialogue and resources from readers. Go check the comments.
Trending Tweets of the week.
Thanks for all you tweeters out there. You help us spread the word and we’re grateful for your engagement. From a study that shows the importance of health care for the poor to sage development advice from Simone Joyaux, your tweets helped to spread the news. Thanks for sharing! And if you don’t already, follow us on Twitter: @npquarterly.
NPQ’s Contributors of the week.
Dr. Mark Light as NPQ’s own Dr. Conflict
All kinds of people are regular NPQ readers. So it only stands to reason that many of our regular contributors started as readers who corresponded with us on what we were doing. Dr. Mark Light is a “pracademic” – someone who spans nonprofit practice and academia, but to us he is Dr. Conflict, the guy who steps in bravely to the most sordid of situations to help us and our readers traverse the difficult terrain of interpersonal and inter-organizational discords. I have consulted him myself in print because, quite frankly, my work life has not been without such upsets. The man is a beacon of compassionate pull-it-together advice — much like my grandmother. Dr. Conflict uses other author’s NPQ articles in his teaching at DePaul University’s School of Public Service where he is executive in residence. Read more from the doctor here.
Got a Tip for Us? We Need Your Voice Here
Did we miss something this week? What do you want to see us cover next week? Be our eyes and ears on the ground. Don’t hold back. Let us have it. And we’ll put it right here. Just let us know if you want it to be confidential.