NPQ’s Week in Review

Good Morning! It’s a brand new day and news is more participatory than ever before. NPQ is part of that new day.

NPQ is a network made up of you and tens of thousands of other readers and correspondents. This participation from our readers brings a breadth of perspective and knowledge to what we do. In our newest feature, “NPQ’s Week in Review,” we will be highlighting this engagement – whether it is in the form of tweets, comments, or contributed articles and Newswires. Our hope is that your engagement will grow over time, allowing NPQ to reflect your wisdom in our pages.

NPQ’s Week in Review is new and will change over the next few months in response to your suggestions.

We especially ask you to note the Now it’s Your Turn section – so we can keep on top of your suggestions for topics to be covered.

Happy Monday!



Dictator Philanthropy: How Dirty is your Money?

Rick Cohen’s feature article on the ethical dilemma of dirty money sparked quite a conversation last week. What would you do? Take the money and run (to deposit it in your group’s bank account) or refuse to take potentially dirty money? Go check out the conversation happening in the comments section of the article.

Readers Pick. Hottest hitting article OF THE WEEK.

There ought to be a prize in philanthropy for the person who finally answers definitively the question, “how much overhead is OK for a nonprofit?” That’s the question we asked on Monday in a Newswire. The topic seemed to strike a chord and traffic to the article exploded. Thanks for reading!

The Ripple effect OF THE WEEK.

A funny thing happened on our website last week. This article by Leah Cohen Chatinover about the perils of e-mail voting, a new trend in nonprofit governance that has surfaced that may run afoul of the law, exploded back onto the scene after first being published back in April. The ripple effect never ceases to amaze. It seems someone very influential on LinkedIn shared the link and drove tons of traffic our way – and by the comments and tweets about the article, the new audience was glad she did.

Trending Tweets of the week.


The two NPQ stories that you tweeted the most last week were about social media. The first was about a study that found Few Nonprofits See Increases in Fundraising as a Result of Facebook, and the second pointed out just how Ethnicity Matters in Social Media Engagement. Also tweeted enthusiastically was the Newswire about a study that found Corporate Volunteerism Programs are Good Business. Here’s a sneak peek below. And thanks for sharing! And if you aren’t already follow us @npquarterly.


COF_: RT @npquarterly: Trending: Few Nonprofits See Increases in Fundraising as a Result of Facebook, Jun 10 from HootSuite


joewaters@johnhaydon R they measuring the wrong things? RT@npquarterly: Few Nonprofits See Increases in Fundraising from Facebook, Jun 10 from TweetDeck


npquarterly@joewaters @johnhaydon Yes, great questions! I hope you’ll comment on the story so other readers can respond:, Jun 10 from HootSuite


joewaters@npquarterly @johnhaydon Not sure NPOs can appreciate the long-term, direct and tangible benefit of engagement on social networks.9:27am, Jun 10 from TweetDeck


johnhaydon@joewaters @npquarterly Donors don’t think: “I’m a Facebook donor”. Relationships span all channels.9:34am, Jun 10 from Twitter for iPhone

summerservicenvJun 09, 7:45pm via Facebook

Deloitte Finds Corporate Volunteerism Programs are Good Business

divercitiesJun 09, 5:55pm via Facebook

Deloitte Finds Corporate Volunteerism Programs are Good Business

Message_GlobalJun 09, 4:09pm via web

Interesting read in @npquarterly Corporate Volunteerism Takes Center Stage in USAID Development Assistance

Contributor OF THE WEEK.

Joe Waters

Joe Waters is a cause marketing consultant, blogger, and frequent commenter and tweeter of all things NPQ. He’s what you call an engaged reader! For example, Joe facilitated a stimulating conversation on Twitter about our Facebook fundraising Newswire. This is the kind of contribution we value so much in our readers. See, to be a valuable contributor or to collaborate with NPQ, you don’t necessarily have to write a column or article , but you can give us a tip, a link, or a nudge – like Joe often does. Read his blog. It’s a good one. E-mail [email protected].


Got a Tip for Us? We Need Your Voice Here

Did we miss something this week? What do you want to see us cover next week? Be our eyes and ears on the ground. Don’t hold back. Let us have it. And we’ll put it right here. Just let us know if you want it to be confidential.