Dear NPQ Readers: 

Over the past two weeks, NPQ has done its best to bring you the very latest in post-election coverage. The fact is that many aspects of the nonprofit landscape may change. Policy frameworks, funding structures, and foundational legal decisions will shift, unfolding quickly and dynamically.

We plan to stay as vigilant for you, our readers, as, for example, the Wall Street Journal is for some corporate interests. But a small portion of our readership continues to send us remonstrative notes saying we ought to give the new president-elect a chance to prove himself. In other words, be patient and let things unfold—presumably while our own hands remain firmly folded in our laps.

Meanwhile, the new administration has vowed to overturn en-masse Obama’s administrative actions. New appointees’ backgrounds are waiting to be explored. The items explicitly targeted for action in the first 100 days have the potential to alter if not transform the operating environments of large portions of our readership and potentially endanger people in the communities you serve. You deserve to be forewarned in a timely way about the possibilities that flow from such actions along with the advancement of practice strategies and tactics on the ground.

So we remind you, NPQ’s job is to cover politics and policy as well as practice as they relate to nonprofits and civil society. Any nonprofit leader worth her salt knows it all combines to facilitate or impede your capacity to do your best work. We all live and work in a world shaped by policy and social discourse. For those of you who appreciate that grounded realism, please remember…

NPQ needs your financial support – especially today when we have in hand a two to one match from a donor.

And to take you into the long weekend, A Six-Pack of NPQ’s Post-Election Coverage from the last two weeks:

  1. 4 Things Nonprofits Must Do the Day after a Trump Victory
  2. Electoral College to Decide the Presidential Election on December 19
  3. Turbulence Ahead: 10 Questions for Nonprofit Boards to Urgently Ask and Answer
  4. At Most Immediate Risk: Executive Orders and Regulations that Affect the Work of Nonprofits
  5. Where Will Donald Trump Find His Policy Agenda? Clues for Nonprofits
  6. A New Form of Donor Motivation: Rage Donating!