Julie Sweetland

Julie Sweetland, PhD, is Vice President for Strategy and Innovation at the FrameWorks Institute, a nonprofit communications...

Bill Traynor

Bill Traynor is the former Executive Director of LCW and a nationally known community development consultant specializing...

Daniel Gordon Neely

Daniel Gordon Neely is associate professor in the department of accounting at the Lubar School of Business,...

John McClusky

John McClusky is an educator, adviser, trainer, and author in the field of nonprofit leadership. He founded...

Erez Roimi

Erez Roimi has been involved in social entrepreneurship and community development for seventeen years. He is the...

Greg Landsman

Greg Landsman is CEO of the 767 Group, which supports communities in the United States and overseas...

Danielle M. Varda

Danielle M. Varda is an associate professor at the School of Public Affairs and director of the...

Dr. Paul Light

Paul C. Light is the Paulette Goddard Professor of Public Service at the Robert F. Wagner School...

Cassandra O’Neill

Cassandra O’Neill is founder and CEO of Leadership Alchemy LLC. She has over twenty-five years of experience...

Monica Brinkerhoff

Monica Brinkerhoff is director of organizational and employee development for Child-Parent Centers, Inc., in Tucson, Arizona. She...

Youyang Hou

Youyang Hou is a PhD candidate at the University of Michigan School of Information.