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The Financial Commons is a collaboration between three longtime informal partners—Nonprofit Quarterly, Propel Nonprofits, and FMA—with decades of experience in understanding the frameworks, functions, and patterns of nonprofit finances. Each has hundreds of offerings in the form of tools, articles, case studies, and webinars that cover everything from cash flow and budgeting to contract management and downsizing or growth.

On a larger level, this is a collaboration with those of you who must deploy all of this in the field in real time. We want to ensure the information we produce will answer your questions and inform your practice in the most direct way possible.


Additional Resources:

  1. A Year Like None Other: 2020’s Impact on Nonprofit Revenue and Programming
  2. Clara Miller on looking at nonprofits as enterprises:
  3. Claire Knowlton on looking beyond nonprofit overhead:
  4. Hilda Polanco on the values and practices of sharing financial information across your organization: