By Spiffy sperry (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons
November 16, 2016; National Council of Nonprofits

The National Council of Nonprofits is disseminating an analysis of the ways in which the 2016 elections will affect charitable nonprofits and 501(c)(3)s. All of NPQ’s readers should take a look, as NCN is one of the more grounded entities developing agendas and engaging in policy advocacy for the sector.

I don’t wish to re-characterize what they have to say; instead, here is their compelling description of what we must prepare for:

Some might see these and other changes in the policy ecosystem in which nonprofits operate as a three-dimensional chessboard involving interactions between the federal, state, and local levels of government. But in fact, it is even more complex. The actions and reactions are equally dynamic among the three branches of government as judges, legislative bodies, and executives and administrative agencies exercise their separate authority and judgment. However viewed, the work of charitable nonprofits will be affected—positively and negatively—by changes in the policy ecosystem.

How these policy changes affect the ability of charitable nonprofits to advance their missions will depend on the two similarly separate yet interlocked ecosystems of the 501(c)(3) community. Charitable nonprofits must rally together to engage in advocacy at all levels and branches of government to ensure that elected officials understand the impact of policy proposals on the people and communities the politicians and their local nonprofits both serve. Also, the foundation community must make serious investments in charitable nonprofits to do that all-important advocacy work—especially at the state level that is the nexus to all policy action—to protect the work of foundations and nonprofits alike.

See the whole analysis here.—Ruth McCambridge