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The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireFive Years Later: A Richer, Whiter New Orleans

August 28, 2010; Salon | Part of the City's recovery strategy is to attract a "creative class" to replace the 100,000 or so poor people who were displaced by the storm and haven't returned.—Rick Cohen


The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireNonprofits that Clothe Foster and Homeless Children Win Free Rent

August 30, 2010; Daytona Beach News-Journal | Because the owner of a struggling office park in Ormond Beach, Fla., couldn't find a suitable commercial tenant to take up his offer of free rent for a year, the space instead went to two nonprofits.—Bruce Trachtenberg


The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireDetroit Symphony Musicians May Strike

August 30, 2010; Detroit News | The musicians are rejecting a proposed 34 percent cut to their salaries.—Ruth McCambridge


The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireCities, Counties Getting Out of the Hospital Business

August 29, 2010; Wall Street Journal | Just when you think the social safety net can't get shredded any more comes a disturbing report that growing numbers of local governments are ditching publicly run hospitals.—Bruce Trachtenberg


The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireFive Years Later: Bridging the Gulf

August 30, 2010; Time | Much remains to be done in and around New Orleans to finish the rebuilding that is many years—and hundreds of thousands of former residents—away from being completed.—Rick Cohen




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