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February 7, 2010; Manchester Union Leader | A lot of the coverage of government cutbacks affecting nonprofits has focused on state government budget deficits, but many nonprofits get money from local government agencies. In Manchester, New Hampshire, the city has been cutting back on its funding of nonprofits. Mayor Ted Gatsas believes that it is not the city’s responsibility to finance nonprofits at all. Last year, under a different mayor, the city cut back on direct municipal funding of nonprofits, but tapped other resources such as pass-through funding from the state and federal governments and special accounts such as the city’s art fund, for funding.But now, the city is telling nonprofits to expect little from City Hall and in some cases to go cold turkey on city government revenues. Expect similar announcements from cities around the nation. The hard times are in city halls as well as the state legislatures.—Rick Cohen
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