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The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireNonprofits Worry About State Budget Talks: Many Social Services Depend On State Aid

June 15, 2010; WGAL | Many nonprofits are accustomed to eleventh hour state budget heroics that save them from financial catastrophe, but will that happen this time around, in a persistent recession in which state revenues aren’t hitting projections?—Rick Cohen


The Nonprofit 
Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireNonprofit Insurer Defends Pay for its CEO

June 14, 2010; Asbury Park Press | The CEO of Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield received $8.7 million in compensation in 2009, 59 percent more than 2008.—Rick Cohen


The Nonprofit 
Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireLegislation That Would Target Most Political Advocacy Groups Exempts NRA

June 14, 2010; Washington Press | The National Rifle Association seems to have dodged a bullet as the House and Senate come closer to passing legislation that would require the disclosure of the names of groups paying for political advertising.—Bruce Trachtenberg


The Nonprofit 
Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireMississippi Mental Health Providers Face Down State

June 14, 2010; Sun Herald | Nonprofits have long found themselves in untenable negotiating positions with government—now some mental health providers are playing hardball.—Ruth McCambridge


The Nonprofit 
Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireMuseum's Efforts to Become a Destination Spot Fall Short of Goals

June 14, 2010; New York Times | So far efforts to triple attendance at Brooklyn (New York) Museum—a plan started six years ago—are not working at all.—Bruce Trachtenberg


The Nonprofit 
Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireFree Clinics in the United States Serve Millions Each Year

June 15, 2010; Medscape Today | Take a look at the network of free nonprofit clinics in the U.S. and be impressed.—Rick Cohen



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