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The Nonprofit 
Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireLawmakers’ Nonprofit Earmarks “Twice Cooked Pork”

June 27, 2010; USA Today | Over the past three years, according to research done by USA Today, $89 million dollars has been earmarked by federal lawmakers to go to nonprofit groups that they, themselves founded.—Ruth McCambridge


The Nonprofit 
Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireGates Foundation Donations to WHO Outstrips U.S.?

June 28, 2010; Times of India | An article in the Times of India cites concern over the growing influence of a private institution on world health policy.—Ruth McCambridge


The Nonprofit 
Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireWhat Works For Children?

June 25, 2010; | A report conducted for Child Advocacy 360 Foundation says that if more information was made available about the solutions and in-roads being made on behalf of children, public support would likely follow.—Bruce Trachtenberg


The Nonprofit 
Quarterly Nonprofit Newswire

Charitable-Gift Tax Break Eyed

June 25, 2010; Wall Steet Journal | New York's governor and the legislature seem prepared to cut back on charitable deductibility for the super-wealthy. Will it affect charitable giving?—Ruth McCambridge


The Nonprofit 
Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireRethinking (c)(3)s and Political Speech

June 22, 2010; Nonprofit Law Prof Blog | A Loyola-Chicago legal scholar is calling for a review of the restrictions on 501(c)(3) charities engaging in electioneering activity.—Rick Cohen


The Nonprofit 
Quarterly Nonprofit NewswirePanera Makes Plans to Open More Nonprofit Restaurants

June 25, 2010; Associate Press | The Clayton, Mo. restaurant allows customers to decide how much to pay for their purchases.—Bruce Trachtenberg


The Nonprofit 
Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireSan Mateo Nonprofit Offers Helping Hand to LGBT Seniors

June 26, 2010; Mercury News | The Family Service Agency provides the opportunity to meet other older LGBT adults and a safe place to meet.—Bruce Trachtenberg


The Nonprofit 
Quarterly Nonprofit NewswireUnusual Fundraising: Fireworks Sales

June 26, 2010; Press Tribune | Apparently, in California, only “fundraising nonprofits” can legally sell consumer fireworks.—Rick Cohen



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