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The Nonprofit Quarterly Nonprofit Newswire
Social Media Can Be Just Plain Social—and Lucrative

June 4, 2010; Puget Sound Business Jouranl | Doing good while having a good time seems to be striking a chord with a younger generation of would-be philanthropists.—Aaron Lester


The Nonprofit 
Quarterly Nonprofit Newswire
Do Some Nonprofit Employees Place Too Much Faith in Their Pension Plans?

June 5, 2010; Wall Street Journal | Churches are not required to fund their pension plans or pay premiums to insure them with the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp., a federal agency that steps in if a pension plan runs out of money. This could spell trouble for the staff of affiliated organizations..—Bruce Trachtenberg


The Nonprofit 
Quarterly Nonprofit Newswire

United Way Merger Goes Awry

June 6, 2010; Mohave Daily News | Doing good while having a good time seems to be striking a chord with a younger generation of would-be philanthropists.—Ruth McCambridge


The Nonprofit 
Quarterly Nonprofit Newswire
Cuts and Coping in the South

June 5, 2010; Statesville Record & Landmark | In Iredell County, North Carolina, the county commissioners have recommended cuts and terminations in funding to a number of organizations, not big dollars, but enough to really hurt.—Rick Cohen


The Nonprofit 
Quarterly Nonprofit Newswire
Palm Springs Passes Budget Rife With Cuts: Film Fest Sponsorship Trimmed; No City Funds Offered for Golf Tourney

June 3, 2010; The Desert Sun | For a different order of municipal budget problems and nonprofits, look to Palm Springs, California.—Rick Cohen


The Nonprofit 
Quarterly Nonprofit Newswire
Of Scalability and Feasibility

June 4, 2010; Financial Times | The debates are as vigorous in the U.K. as in the U.S. around scaling up nonprofit capacity for expanded service delivery and solutions to societal problems.—Rick Cohen


The Nonprofit 
Quarterly Nonprofit Newswire
When Temperatures Soar, Need Follows

June 5, 2010; CBS-11 | The unexpected spike in temperatures over the weekend in North Texas caused more than sweat.—Bruce Trachtenberg




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