NPQ’s Week in Review
Good Morning! We hope you enjoyed the weekend. At NPQ, what moves you is what moves us. The Week in Review highlights what our readers nominate as their favorite content and what they share with us and the community in the form of tweets, comments, contributed articles, and newswires.
But first, take a look at what you might have missed last week in some of the major news stories covered in NPQ.
POLICE RAID OCCUPY WALL STREET: From the night of November 14 into November 15 the Occupy Wall Street movement’s birth place, Zuccotti Park, was completely cleared out. Hundreds of arrests occurred in the area and those included seven journalists trying to cover the story, as the police moved in and dismantled the encampment. Fortunately many local churches in the area opened their doors to the dispossessed protestors.
12 YEAR-OLD BOARD MEMBER?: Friends of the Walton County Animal Shelter welcome their presumably youngest and newest board member, 12-year-old Jessica Anth, bringing some very youthful perspective and a good deal of free web design capacity to the board.
WHITE HOUSE DISCUSSES NONPROFIT LEADERSHIP: NPQ kept an eye on the White House Forum on Nonprofit Leadership earlier this week. So what innovative new ideas were brought up? By what we can see from the twitters and various reportsthere was “nothing new” here except an announcement that work will be ongoing in this area. That is a shame since the landscape of leadership in this country is currently developing like the proverbial house afire.
PENN STATE HEADS ROLL AS SANDUSKY SCANDAL UNRAVELS: And of course we were all treated to the too long coming tail end of the sexual abuse scandal involving Second Mile and Penn State.
Conversation OF THE WEEK
Want to Live Long and Prosper? Donate More!
This week we covered a study finding charitable giving directly benefits the donor, and people who give are generally happier and healthier. So if you care about your kin encourage them to give more.
Trending Tweets of the week
Thanks to all you tweeters out there. You help us spread the NPQ word and we’re grateful for your engagement. Thanks to our community for surfacing and circulating what interests you! And if you don’t already, follow us on Twitter at @npquarterly.
NPQ’s READER Contributor of the week
Stephanie Koczela commented on one of our article approximately two weeks ago and in her comment we saw that she was thinking about how to set up a string of health clinics in Kenya in a way that was interesting so we asked her to contribute a longer piece entitled: “Nonprofit or For Profit: That is the Question”.
Koczela previously managed Kiva’s global field staff operations. She also led the effort to create the plan for, fundraise and execute the construction of a four story school in Mathare, Nairobi’s worst slum, where she has spent extensive time. She also created and continues to work in a support and advisory capacity to Witethye, a women’s bag collective based in Mathare which sells globally. She leads the management team, fundraising and business development in the US.
Got a Tip for Us? We Need Your Voice Here
Did we miss something this week? What do you want to see us cover next week? Be our eyes and ears on the ground. Don’t hold back. Let us have it. And we’ll put it right here. Just let us know if you want it to be confidential.