Elizabeth Schmidt

Elizabeth Schmidt is the Director for George Mason University’s Enterprise in Service to Society Initiative. Prior to...

Margaret J. Wheatley

Margaret J. Wheatley is a well-known consultant, speaker, and writer, and cofounder and president of The Berkana...

Jennifer Hinton

Jennifer Hinton is a PhD candidate at the Stockholm Resilience Centre (Stockholm University), whose work focuses on...

Miguel Altieri

Miguel Altieri is Professor of Agroecology at the University of California, Berkeley.

Emma Yorra

Emma Yorra lives in Brooklyn, New York. She worked for six years at the Center for Family...

Lee Bruder

In 2004 Lee opened his practice as an organization development consultant. He specializes in helping people...

Mark Light

Mark Light, MBA, PhD, is founder and president of First Light Group (www.first lightgroup.com), with a mission...

Jeffrey S. Simonoff

Jeffrey S. Simonoff is Professor of Statistics and Robert A. Miller Faculty Fellow in the Department of...

Rikki Abzug

Rikki Abzug is Associate Professor of Management at the Anisfield School of Business of Ramapo College of...

Priti Krishtel

Priti Krishtel is the Co-Founder and Co-Executive Director of I-MAK.org, a global nonprofit organization comprising senior attorneys, scientists and health experts...

Curtis Child

Curtis Child is an associate professor of sociology at Brigham Young University, where he studies nonprofit organizations,...