Tim Wolfred

Tim Wolfred, PsyD, developed the executive transition program of CompassPoint Nonprofit Services in San Francisco in 1998,...

Tom Adams

Tom Adams is a director with Raffa PC, a consulting and finance services company. Adams has focused...

Melanie Herman

Melanie Herman, JD, is executive director of the Nonprofit Risk Management Center. She is the author of...

Gregory D. Saxton

Gregory D. Saxton, PhD, is assistant professor in the Schulich School of Business at York University in...

Chao Guo

Chao Guo, PhD, is associate professor and Penn Fellow in the School of Social Policy and Practice...

Sarah Miller

Sarah Miller moved to Washington, DC from Arkansas after graduating with her Masters of Public Administration and...

Meredith Betz

G. Meredith Betz is an organizational consultant and nonprofit executive with leadership experience in development and organizational...

Jed Emerson

Jed Emerson is strategic advisor to family offices and wealth management firms executing diverse approaches to investing...

Keenan Wellar

Keenan Wellar is the co-founder and current Co-Leader and Director of Communications at LiveWorkPlay.ca, a leading-edge charitable...

Sean Buffington

Sean Buffington is vice president of the Henry Luce Foundation, a private grantmaker based in New York...

Kevin Walker

Kevin Walker spearheads the Northwest Area Foundation’s efforts to shape a future in which all people and...