Authors of the Grassroots Fundraising Journal
The Grassroots Fundraising Journal was published from January 1982—August 2018. During those decades, it earned a reputation for helping activists understand the relationship between fundraising and organizing, and helped thousands of organizations build power to demand change by building a base of individual donors who were also constituents. The case studies proved that no organization needed to take foundation grants for work that was not part of the core mission, and that even small organizations could raise big money. A big thanks to all the authors who have allowed their articles to be copyrighted into the Creative Commons so that anyone can download and use any article without paying a fee or seeking permission.
Amy O’Connor
Andy Robinson
Anne Tapp
The Center for Popular Democracy
Beth Rayfield, PhD
Byron Johnson
Cara Page
Caryn Stein
Cayden Mak
Christa Orth
Tina Cincotti
Christine P. Graham
Dan De Vries
Dana Textoris
Dean Spade
Deborah Agre
Debra Brown
Dimitra Tasiouras
Dipty Jain
Harvey McKinnon
Heather Yandow
Helena Wong
Jack Hui Litster
Jan Masaoka
Jason Franklin
Jill Vialet
John Won
Judith Kunofsky
Karen Topakian
Kate Garroway
Kaytee Riek
Kim Bobo
Kim Klein
Kristine Albrecht
Laurie Earp
Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Manami Kano
Mara Perez, Ph.D.
Mary Humphries