NPQ’s Week in Review


Good Morning! We hope you enjoyed the weekend. At NPQ, what moves you is what moves us. The Week in Review highlights what our readers nominate as their favorite content and what they share with us and the community in the form of tweets, comments, contributed articles, and newswires.

But first, take a look at what you might have missed last week in some of the major news stories covered in NPQ.

TIME MAGAZINE NAMES “THE PROTESTOR” AS PERSON OF THE YEAR: And what a good call that is. From Egypt to Israel to Tehran to Wall Street, people have risked their safety to stand up for what they believe about the economy, our political structures and democracy and we feel privileged to accompany them into what may be a new era of activism.

LOEWS AND HOME DEPOT CAVE TO RELIGIOUS NONPROFIT: Last week both Lowe’s and Home Depot pulled advertising from a new show on TLC called “All-American Muslim” due to persuasion from a certain evangelic nonprofit. The Florida Family Association nonprofit disagreed with the show because of its positive portrayal of the Muslim lifestyle. The National Network for Arab American Communities then proclaimed refusal of any future donations from Lowes in protest of the discriminatory decision. It’s disheartening to see actions that represent such blatant religious persecution happening within admired corporations.
HORDES OF ATHEIST REDDITORS GIVE TO DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS: Through reddit there was a surge of donations coming to what has become Doctor Without Borders’ largest online fundraiser.  The First Giving donation page has now surpassed its original goal of $150,000 and reached over $200,000. Almost all of the recent donations are left with notes honoring the death of religious skeptic Christopher Hitchens. These redditors are proving the impact of “good without god.”


Seven Predictions for Philanthropy in 2012

 In NPQ’s newest Cohen Report, Cohen shares his predictions for the future of philanthropy in 2012. Rick Cohen touches on significant 2011 events like Occupy Wall Street and the collapse of the supercommittee and envisions their impact in the years to come. Will the class divide within the nonprofit sector continue to expand? What about the nation’s humanitarian aid budget? Read Rick’s philanthropy trend predictions and tell us if you agree.


Conversation OF THE WEEK

altThe Voice from Outside: Stakeholder Resistance in Nonprofit Organizations

This article developed for our print journal has been a gleam in our eye for a while and then we found recently that Pat Bradshaw, an NPQ collaborator and a Professor of Organizational studies at York University had been pursuing the same line of inquiry with her students among whom is Sean Bradshaw – her co-author on this piece. This article received very high readership and any number of interesting comments about the delicate details of stakeholder engagement.


 Trending Tweets of the week


Thanks to all you tweeters out there. You help us spread the NPQ word and we’re grateful for your engagement. Thanks to our community for surfacing and circulating what interests you! And if you don’t already, follow us on Twitter at @npquarterly.


COF_Dec 16, 12:25 pm via Hootsuite



Voices from the Field: The Penultimate Word: Overthinking #Philanthropy @npquarterly

StevesharraDec 14, 1:08 pm via Twitter for Blackberry



RT @npquarterly: “No more teachers’ dirty looks” – Why are U.S. schools so far behind Finland?

beckydavis32Dec 17, 2:14pm via Twitter for iPhone



RT @npquarterly: What’s trending on NPQ? Avoid a Legal Mess—Who Owns Employee Social Media Accounts?

wilhan Dec 16, 5:28pm via Web



Smart guy. Good read. RT @npquarterly Rick Cohen uses his insights & perspective to predict 2012 #philanthropy trends

thewarfordDec 16, 3:57pm via Tweetcaster for Android



Amazing 🙁 RT @npquarterly: the 20 worst charities in #Oregon — and how many are actually from Oregon?


 CONTRIBUTOR of the week


Cassandra Heliczer

Cassandra is our hardworking managing editor, and although she is on staff she is also a contributor—putting in hours that are sometimes way over and above what we might ask her for . . . like this past week, when she put in one stint of more than 50 straight-through hours to make sure that the magazine’s production schedule was met. Cassandra’s artistic and linguistic sensibilities are part of who we are. We are grateful for her dedication and her uniquely gracious presence in our lives.



Got a Tip for Us? We Need Your Voice Here

Did we miss something this week? What do you want to see us cover next week? Be our eyes and ears on the ground. Don’t hold back. Let us have it. And we’ll put it right here. Just let us know if you want it to be confidential.